Don’t leave leadership development to chance.

The Leadership Development Index is a digital assessment tool that measures leadership capacities to accelerate personal and professional growth.

Grounded in 20 years of cutting-edge research, and benchmarked with 600,000 participants across career fields, the Index is designed for impact.

What is the Index?

Woman teaching class

Who is it for?

Drawing Art

What are the benefits?

Which product is right for you?


Assess your own leadership capacities and benchmark against peers to drive your personal learning journey


Map the assets of your team or organization to identify individual and collective areas of strength as well as opportunities for growth

program impact

Assess the impact of your program to strategically identify benefits and opportunities for improvement

Explore the Index Impact

IMage of Lithgow

“We’re excited to adopt the Index to support career readiness grounded in science. Our stakeholders rely on data-driven decision making, and so should our staff and students.”

— Dr. Jana Lithgow
Executive Director, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University
Image of Henderson

“I’ve witnessed the dynamic and compelling impact of the Index on students, educators, and community leaders alike. It provides a sense of self-worth and agency to chart their own career, leadership, and community impact trajectories.”

— Leonette Henderson
Founder, PhilanthroCulture
Image of Ramsey

“Engineering educators spend significant energy in developing students’ capacities to engage more effectively in team-based environments. The Index is an excellent tool and framework for us to utilize as we develop team-based leadership skills in our introductory engineering courses and leadership programs.”

—Ramsey G. Jabaji
Director & Lecturer of Global Engineering Leadership, University of Maryland
Image of Owen

“The research the Index is based on provides an enduring legacy of helping hundreds of thousands of students come to see themselves as capable leaders while also providing educators and organizations with the data and evidence to drive learning and development.”

— Dr. Julie Owen
Associate Professor, Leadership Studies, George Mason University

Illuminating your potential so you can deepen your impact

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